Approve the notification in the Microsoft Authenticator app, and then select Next.A notification is sent to the Microsoft Authenticator app on your mobile device, to test your account. Select Next on the Scan the QR code page on your computer.However, if the QR code reader can't read the code, you can manually enter the code and URL into the Microsoft Authenticator app. The authenticator app should successfully add your account without requiring any additional information from you.Scan the provided code with the Microsoft Authenticator app QR code reader, which appeared on your mobile device after you created your account in Step 6.Return to the Set up your account page on your computer or laptop, and then select Next.You must select Allowso the authenticator app can access your camera to take a picture of the QR code in the next step. Note: The first time you set up the Microsoft Authenticator app, you might receive a prompt asking whether to allow the app to access your camera (iOS) or to allow the app to take pictures and record video (Android). You are looking for the Scan QR Code prompt.) (If it takes you to a sign-in screen, click cancel then begin again by clicking Add Account, Work or School account again.

Open the Microsoft Authenticator app, select to allow notifications (if prompted), select Add Account then choose Work or School account.Remain on the Set up your account page on your desktop or laptop while you set up the Microsoft Authenticator app on your mobile device:.If you can't scan the QR code, click the Get the app button under your mobile device type. Scan the QR code matching your mobile device type, you can also get the authenticator app by using this link. On the Start by getting the app page, select Download now to download and install the Microsoft Authenticator app.On the Add a method page, select Authenticator app from the list, and then select Add.Next, select Add method in the Security info pane: If you are currently on mfa, you'll be prompted for it. Select Security info in the left menu or by using the link in the Security info pane.You can also click this My Account portal link to go directly to your security info: ( these steps can be done with a mobile browser but using a desktop browser may be simpler and is recommended.) Sign in to your account via Outlook Web at using a desktop or laptop browser, click on your name in the upper right, then choose VIEW ACCOUNT.Follow the steps below to setup the app for mfa (note the on-screen prompts in the app may vary slightly between the ios and android versions): The microsoft authenticator app is an easy alternative to using a text or phone call for multifactor authentication and is the best method for accounts that multiple users monitor, i.e.